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Jason Kyle

  • Lifetime Utah Resident

  • Chemical Engineer

  • Business Manager

  • Graduate of University of Utah College of Engineering

  • Current resident of Huntsville with wife, Lupita, 4 daughters, and 1 son.

  • 5th Generation Weber County Resident

Family, Education and Career

I was born and raised in Utah. I served an LDS mission in Colorado and Kansas for two years.


After my mission, I married my wife who was attending BYU while I attended the University of Utah. I built a career in management in medical and industrial imaging device manufacturing and now manage large groups and multimillion dollar budgets.

Why Politics?

I jumped into politics because I am deeply concerned about my community and State. I would like to leave a better Utah for my family. I have four daughters and a son, those that are K-12 age attend public school. I want them to inherit a state that will be a great place to raise their own families socially and economically. Utah has been managed well and it shows. To maintain Utah as an excellent state, we need to constantly improve and not regress. 

There is a trend in government at every level wanting more and more tax dollars. Government should only collect funds for what is necessary. Tax money is the people's money and I understand the most important budget is that of families and individuals. I will fight against tax increases and to drive down the cost of living in Utah. I will be a legislator that will listen and represent the district's needs.

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